Secure Access for Aptos


Safeheron is committed to delivering secure and efficient access to various cryptocurrency platforms and services, prioritizing the highest security standards in the evolving blockchain industry.

We are excited to announce that Safeheron now supports Aptos, enabling Safeheron customers to securely participate in this thriving ecosystem.

Aptos is now live on Safeheron

Safeheron customers can now securely access Aptos and transfer their assets without compromising security or efficiency. This allows customers to manage their asset allocations/transfers on Aptos as needed.

An all-in-one solution that is easy to get started with.

About Aptos

Aptos is a Layer 1 Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain that employs a novel smart contract programming language called Move. Aptos is dedicated to creating a blockchain that facilitates mainstream adoption of Web3 and empowers a decentralized application (DApp) ecosystem to address real-world user challenges.

APT is the native token of the Aptos blockchain.

We have MORE exciting updates in the works, so stay tuned!